Tim Kreider skrifar um að vera sífellt upptekin(n): If you live in America in the 21st century you’ve probably had to listen to a lot of people tell you how busy they are. It’s become the default response when you ask anyone how they’re doing: “Busy!” “So busy.” “Crazy busy.” It is, pretty obviously, a…
Lesa meiraFólkið hjá Co-opoly bjó til þessa fínu skýringarmynd um lýðræðileg samvinnufyrirtæki:
Lesa meiraAlda var í fréttum í síðasta mánuði vegna hugmynda um styttingu vinnudagsins og bæklingsins sem var sendur til stéttarfélaga og fleiri aðila. Stöð 2 tók viðtal við Kristinn Má í tilefni af því og frétt birtist á vef Morgunblaðsins. Smugan var líka með frétt. Fulltrúar félagsins hafa nú hitt formenn tveggja stéttarfélaga og fulltrúa frá…
Lesa meiraNokkur myndbönd sem málefnahópur um lýðræðislegt menntakerfi hefur verið að skoða.
Lesa meiraHér er einföld og kröftug hugmynd fyrir 21. aldar velferðarsamfélag: Að allir fái greidda fjárupphæð frá ríkinu sem nægi fyrir grunnframfærslu þeirra. Þessi fjárupphæð yrði borguð út á einstaklingsgrundvelli og ekki á nokkurn hátt skilyrt, hver og einn fengi hana greidda óháð vinnu eða öðrum tekjum. Kostir slíks fyrirkomulags eru margir. Sá fyrsti og augljósasti…
Lesa meiraMoney, a chart of it all (almost, where it is and what it can do. Explore the chart.
Lesa meiraOn August 2, 2011 at the very first meeting of what was to become Occupy Wall Street, about a dozen people sat in a circle in Bowling Green. The self-appointed “process committee” for a social movement we merely hoped would someday exist, contemplated a momentous decision. Our dream was to create a New York General…
Lesa meiraAre eco-houses cheaper to build and less expensive to run? What is holding Britain back from building more energy efficient homes? How can we make eco-houses more affordable? Dr Jenny Pickerill shares her research with Permaculture Magazine online. Grein á Permaculture.
Lesa meiraStatistician Nic Marks asks why we measure a nation’s success by its productivity — instead of by the happiness and well-being of its people. He introduces the Happy Planet Index, which tracks national well-being against resource use (because a happy life doesn’t have to cost the earth). Which countries rank highest in the HPI? You…
Lesa meiraOccupy Design is a grassroots project connecting designers with on-the-ground demonstrators in the Occupy Together movement. The project’s goal is to create freely available visual tools around a common graphic language to unite the 99%. The project places an emphasis on producing infographics and icons to improve the communication of the movement’s messages and the data surrounding…
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