Heilafóður – Er þörf á hugarfarsbreytingu?

Laugardaginn 9. Febrúar tók Alda þátt í málþingi á vegum húmanistaflokksins. Hjalti Hrafn sem fulltrúi Öldu flutti þar stutt erindi um hugarfarsbreytingu. Eftirfarandi er texti framsögunnar. ________________________________________ Er þörf á hugarfarsbreytingu? Nei (og já). Það þarf að breyta meira en bara hugarfari. Við þurfum að ganga skrefi lengra. Við erum núna að ganga í gegnum…

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Heilafóður: Financialization and the World Economy

Á The Real News var fyrir nokkru umfjöllun um fjármálavæðingu hagkerfisins: Well, this graph by Thomas Philippon at NYU is a very important one, because it illustrates this problem that Keynes, among others, talked about. You know, Keynes said that there’s enterprise and there’s speculation. Speculation is undertaken by the financial sector, enterprise by manufacturers…

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Heilafóður: Um skattalækkanir

Hér er úrdráttur úr rannsókn á áhrifum skattalækkana sem stofnun innan bandaríska þingsins gerði: The top income tax rates have changed considerably since the end of World War II. Throughout the late-1940s and 1950s, the top marginal tax rate was typically above 90%; today it is 35%. Additionally, the top capital gains tax rate was…

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Heilafóður: Hvað eru peningar?

Hvernig verða peningar til? Staðreyndin er sú að allir peningar eru, á endanum, lán sem hefur verið veitt til einhvers aðila. Hvernig þessi lán verða til? Á vefsíðu nef, new economics foundation, er stuttur pistill um peninga: There are several conflicting ways of describing what banks do. The simplest version is that banks take in…

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Heilafóður: Hagvaxtarhagkerfið – af hverju?

Charles Eisenstein fjallar um hagvaxtarhagkerfið: So ubiquitous is the equation of growth with prosperity that few people ever pause to consider it. What does economic growth actually mean? It means more consumption – and consumption of a specific kind: more consumption of goods and services that are exchanged for money. That means that if people…

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Heilafóður: Samvinnufyrirtæki í Bretlandi

Örlítil tölfræði um samvinnufyrirtæki í Bretlandi; allt annars konar fyrirtæki en við erum vön hér á Íslandi. Þessum fyrirtækjum hefur almennt gengið vel undanfarin ár, ólíkt hagkerfinu í heild sinni. In times of economic downturn, whilst the UK economy considers cuts and businesses react to the short term, the co-operative economy behaves differently. Run by…

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Hvað eru samvinnufyrirtæki?

Samtök samvinnufyrirtækja í Bretlandi er með stutta, hnitmiðaða lýsingu á starfsmannasamvinnufyrirtækjum (workers cooperative): A co-operative business is that they are owned and run by the members – the people who benefit from the co-operative’s services. Although they carry out all kinds of business, all co-operative businesses have core things in common. Meira hér.

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